Organization: Green Alternative Social and Welfare Development Organization
Registration deadline: 21 Sep 2016
Starting date: 25 Sep 2016
Ending date: 26 Sep 2016
Course Objective
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Identify the role of HR planning in building the competitive advantage of the firm, Describe the process of HR planning and Describe process and tools in HR planning for key management positions.
Target participants
The Planning for Human Resource course is designed for SME owners who face challenges to the company’s development due to HR-related difficulties.
Course Content
The course is split into three sessions as follows:
Sessions 1- No HR planning, no HRM
Sessions 2- The process of HR planning
Sessions 3- HR planning for key management positions
Learning Methods
Lecture, Role-play, Group discussion, Game and Case study.
Course Details
Language: English, the trainer will explain the main idea in Dari / Pashto also-if needed.
Dates: 25th to 26th September, 2016.
Venue: Kabul, Afghanistan
Wireless network connection
Free wireless internet connectivity is also available in training hall at Green Alternative Org for personal computer.
How to register:
To book a place on this course, please contact us:**
Cell phone#: 0093795-198-798 / E-mail: , / Address: Apartment#3, Asia Plaza, Taimani Square, Kabul, Afghanistan.